Donia of Ahmad Pasha Kamal?

From Lady Anne Blunt’s Journals, January 9th, 1908, at Prince Yusuf Kamal’s sale of the horses of his father, Prince Ahmad Kamal who had died the year before:

“Besides my three and Ghazala, a handsome but very slight of bone Keh. Memrieh was sold to somebody Bey”.  

Lady Anne bought three bay mares/fillies at this sale; the Journal entry mentions that this Ghazala was a Kuhaylah Mimrihiyah bought for one of the Egyptian royals, Omar Bey Sultan, by his racing associate Jacques Valensin. No other horses were sold at this sale.

The herdbook of Prince Mohammed Ali, dating from after 1912, lists the mare Donia: “Origine, Prince Ahmed, achetee par Mohamed Pasha Abou Naffi; Cadeau; rentre a Manial 10 Dec. 1912.”

I wonder whether that “handsome but very slight of bone Keh. Memrieh” is Donia, and whether this “somebody Bey” is “Mohamed Pasha Abou Naffi”, then only a Bey.  Here’s a hypothesis: Mohamed Pasha Abou Naffi bought this mare at the above sale, either in foal to a stallion from Prince Ahmad’s or later bred to a stallion of Prince Yusuf, his son; four years later, he gifted the mare to Prince Mohamed Ali, but retained the resulting filly known as Nafaa after him.


3 Replies to “Donia of Ahmad Pasha Kamal?”

  1. Who is this Ghazala? The same that was Born 1896? later send in 1909 to England Crabbet Park? from there to USA to Borden Spencer?
    She was listed always as Saqklawiyah Jidraniah ibn Sudan…tracec back to Ghazieh

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