8 Replies to “Exporting horses to Europe”

  1. This info obtained from a friend who regularly organises shipping, will give you an idea.

    Gelding approximately $8,000.00 With 3 days quarantine. Coggins tests and blood taken not included from NEW YORK

    Mare approx $11,000.00 Coggins and Additional Blood tests and 14 days quarantine. New York

    Stallion $15,000.00- $17,000.00 Coggins and Additional Breeding disease testing and Quarantine. New York.

    🙂 Leslie

    Sent from my iPad

  2. Dear Edouard, We have imported DB Dahmah from the US. The quarentine is 30 days, not 3 days.We know a very good one.You can always contact us if you have more questions. Best regards Regina

  3. j’ai eu des renseignements pour la France, il faut compter environ 8000 euros mais cela peut varier suivant le lieu de quarantaine par rapport à l’élevage

  4. Dear Edouard,
    We have imported 9 horses from the USA between 2008 and 2011.
    My “all inclusive” door to door global import cost goes from 7000 € to 7500 €
    (8700 US$ to 9350 US$) but I need to detail this calculation since large variations occur.
    It included:
    * Pension costs at the breeder’s facility: 575 € to 975 € (since once I purchased the horse, I was charged pension fees: not all breeders charge it until horse departure to quarantine date from what I understand and I advise not to pay in advance since once the quarantine date was advanced and I never got my prepaid pensions back. Also be careful about deworming and farrier costs which add up and not always are real)
    * Insurance USA: 370 € to 720 € (again not complusary but really recommanded to protect your newly acquired desireable horse, so you do not have to think twice about surgery or vet costs should anything happen..)
    * Transportation USA: from the breeder to the quarantine place 250 € to 810 € (also largely depends about the distance as well as the quality of the hauling company: be really careful about this part..I mean really…it is well invested money in the end: it is part of this extreme experience your new horse will go through..)
    * quarantine (30 days) also usually included the flight overseas and the transportation from the quarantine to the airport: 3 200 € to 4 200 € (again I learned from one import to another: make really sure your quarantine is excellent..very few are totally dedicated…remember this is a key period for the horse usually leaving the comfort -you hope – of his breeding home for unknown…)
    * Import taxes: 790 € to 1250 € (I advise to declare the true value of the horse acquired. Some people play by presenting a much lower invoice of the horse to reduce the basis of import taxes: many get caught…and as a result the horse stays at the airport -some 3 weeks I heard- until matter is solved with fines…think twice!!!) This also includes the vet visit, and I suggest you purchase a night at the “equine hotel” for your buddy to rest after the flight among his/her companions.
    *Transportation from the airport to your home: by then you do not sleep much…
    525 € to 2050 € (again this depends largely on the distance to cover, the type of transport – alone or grouped…I do not recommend to go gt your baby on your own…a professionnal hauler knwos his ways around the large administrative city that is the airport…)
    Hope this answered your question in details…and understand there is more to the importing of a horse than his purchase price….the quality of all these steps is key for your new boy or gal to adjustment…And remember it may take as long as 6 months ot a year for them to digest this experience and feel home..And speak french!!!

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