7 Replies to “Fa-Rab”

  1. Now, I like an old fashion horse, like that, Went out of fashion, then came back in as a cross to the horses that were imported after 1958, then came back into fashion for themselves, for awhile.

  2. Now thats what i call a short gaskin..Of course the camera angle accentuates it quite a bit, so its probably actually a wee bit longer than it looks. The other thing is, look at the arch in his neck. To me it shows classical Arabian type as opposed to the flat nbeck which is more Thoroughbred type and is seen in the strongly flat race influenced breeding programs of, for example the Communist era Polish arabs.
    Best wishes
    Bruce Peek

  3. What ever happened to the horses at the Van Vleet ranch in Co.? I saw Zireif, an imported Egyptian Stallion shortly before he died in 1952
    Does anyone remember it?
    I know that it was a long time ago

  4. You saw Zarife? Oh my gosh! I’ve only seen photos of him, and would love to hear what you thought of him when you saw him in person.

    There’s a Van Vleet Arabians page on Facebook, I believe, which may have information on what happened to the horses. Otherwise, I’m sure more knowledgeable readers of this blog will have an answer.

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