Girl Solo in Arabia
Even since I found Caroyln’s McIntyre’s blog “Girl Solo in Arabia”, I have been reading it avidly to the point of neglecting everything else. Just take a deep breath, click and start reading. You’ll emerge from it three hours later, with red eyes, but the journey it takes you on is worth every minute of your time.
You are right! Her blog has been bookmarked right after yours!
This is wonderful and could take many joyous hours to review. I only looked for a few moments. I did go right to the photos of Syria and saw, at the beginning, the beautiful courtyard of the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus. It brought back memories which I do not have photos of, only an audio tape. The recording is of a blind man sitting on a small stool in the center of the courtyard singing in a penetrating tenor voice from the Koran. His voice was stunning. Even though the language I did not know, the spirit of it I felt so deeply as to be able to hear it in my head for weeks afterward, like when one hears a great song that they cannot forget for it is so unique in sound.
I should note that I often used my tape recorder on my travels rather than use my camera. I tried to fill my minds eye with everything that I could see to remember visually and then record the sounds of whatever else I would need time to understand later. This of course was especially useful in interviews with the tribes.