Good bye, Joe

Joe Achcar passed away this morning, from a heart attack. I will miss him sorely. This place will not be the same without him.

21 Replies to “Good bye, Joe”

  1. Although I didn’t know him personally, through the pages of this blog, I felt I did. I am saddened to learn that Joe has died and with his death, any opportunity to continue learning his unique perspective of the Asil horse. I am grateful for his life, wisdom and experiences that he shared with all of us, via Daughter of the the Wind.

    Sad day, in the newest part of the year,

  2. I am so shocked and saddened by this news. I cannot imagine this could happen. I met him in Syria and considered him a friend and contemporary of my age group. We continued to share ideas by email for years after my travels through Syria and he has contributed so much thought stimulating conversation on this site. This is a large loss for all of us because people like Joe Achcar are so needed now to help us see the bigger picture of history and the true appreciation of this breed. My very deepest sympathies to his family. He is missed by many.

  3. What awful news, I didn’t know him personally, but I have in the last few months been in email correspodence with him, having exchanged views on this blog initially. Even in that time he showed himself to be an interesting, knowledgable and accomplished person who willingly took time to share his views with me, as well as photos of some lovely horses and some interesting references to scientific work.
    I really am extremely sorry to hear this news and offer my sincere condolences to his family and friends.

  4. I’m schocked. I can not believe it. We never met, but You were always energic and fiery in the discussions…..You gave me many knowledges,what i will try to pass the following generations.
    I planned to meet with you and your beloved and fantastic Lebanese homeland,with your horses.
    On one day I will go to your mountains, but this journey will be never more the same, without the meeting with you.You were a good christian -a maronit, like Fadlallah- and a good man, and a fanatic fighter of the asil arabian horse at same time. I will goin to your tomb and i will pray there.
    Thank You for everything,my friend.

    We did’nt met, but I will remember You forever.
    Peace upon with You,Joe.
    How you said always,Inshallah.


    I have learned from You many things.

  5. I am so sad to hear of his passing. A great loss to those of us who followed his posts. I hope his contributions will be preserved. He will be missed.

  6. En assistant ce midi aux obsèques de Joe dans la chappelle familiale, que de souvenirs me sont revenus surtout quand Tina a parlé de la passion que Joe avait pour le cheval en général, et l’Arabe en particulier! Ces 5 dernières années je voyais le Joe qu’il rêvait d’être; responsable d’un haras de pur sang arabe appartenant à Naji Chaoui à Damas! Il m’a dit dernièrement’; “Naji m’a donné un sens à ma vie depuis qu’il m’a demandé de m’occuper de son haras “! On se voyait en moyenne 2 à 3 fois par semaine pour parler chevaux! et rien que chevaux! Je dois avouer qu’il m’a beaucoup aidé (en silence) à surmonter des difficultés que je rencontrais comme président de l’hippodrome de Beyrouth ou même comme propriétaire éleveur! Il va beaucoup beaucoup me manquer! Que Dieu ait son âme et qu’Il lui fasse plaisir en lui confiant la gestion de son haras eternel!! Nabil de Freige (ami de Joe depuis 1972)

  7. I am very sorry to read about Joe. I always looked forward to his posts. Words are like art… they leave an impression of the author. Sincerest Condolences.

  8. Oh no!
    I’m very sorry to her that.
    I always enjoyed Joe’s contributions to the body of knowledge concerning Davenports and other matters.

  9. j’ai été désagréablement surprise d’apprendre la disparition brutale de joe ne l’ai pas connu
    personnellement, juste au travers de ce blog. Il nous manquera, ses connaissances également.
    Mes sincères condoléances à ses proches ainsi qu’à sa famille.

    Puisse son âme chevaucher de valeureux coursiers pour l’éternité.

  10. je suis bouleversé et peiné par cette terrible nouvelle. Nous avions tant de projets en commun, en cours, que j’aurais tant aimé partager, en famille, entre amis, avec lui! Mes pensées vont à sa famille et à ses proches. A Dieu Joe, tu me manques déjà.

  11. Joe…
    You will be sadly missed.
    I will always have very fond memories of you.
    You gave So Much of your energy and knowledge
    of Syrian Arabic Horses and we will never forget that ….
    Your spirit will live on .

    Rest in Peace . . .

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