Happy 2013
This is what winter looks like in Northern California. And this is what a 19yo Davenport mare looks like when training a young eventer (note stirrups crossed over withers). Bruce Peek will immediately note the reach of her inside hind. 🙂

Blessings of the new year to you all — Ambar
Yeah, Petit Point!! She is a freight train with lots of rear-end push (I had the pleasure many years ago).
I was away for a few weeks and have slipped behind but I certainly am looking forward to reading the ,most recent 10 or so posts…they look very interesting!!
I hope that 2013 will be a good year for you all, that your horses will be happy and healthy, that those in work will enjoy proving their worth under saddle, that expected foals will arrive safely and above all that our friends in Syria will find peace.
yes and escpecially the reach of her inside thigh and gaskin. See they( meaning the Davenports) can truly come under themselves and thus redistribute their and the riders weight too – equally to all four legs in their gait sequence. Pretty nifty huh?
best wishes
Bruce Peek
Looking good! It’s nice to be able to ride in Winter if the conditions allow it!
She has the Thadrian look — lovely!