Najm Yarob 1999 Kuhaylan Krush stallion in Spain, Syrian bloodlines

Jose Manuel from Spain sent me these photos of his amazing 1999 Syrian stallion Najm Yarob (Fawaz x Karboujah by Saad x Roudeinah by Mashuj x Jamrah by Awaad x Doumah), a Kuhaylan Krush that is a close relative to the black Mokhtar (Awaad x Doumah). Look at this black skin, this muzzle, and this croup!

This photo of a survivor and the evocation of the names of the horses above, all of which I have seen, known and liked in my teenage, send shivers through my spine.

najm yarob



19 Replies to “Najm Yarob 1999 Kuhaylan Krush stallion in Spain, Syrian bloodlines”

  1. I Know some progeny of him,specially 2 wonderful daughters out Spanish bloodlines,doing very well in endurance and racing crosscountry,The owner is endurance breeder.The last month has bornt one beautiful Asil filly out of a straight Egyptian mare of mine, unfortunately is death,a great lost!!.Pour perpetuer la magnifique race arabe,`c’est incontestablement a l’etalon importe d’orient(Robert Mauvy)

  2. This is one of the last survivors of the bedouin arabians which performance is the primary building block.

  3. Thanks so much Bassam for you encouragement,I hope next time to have more luck,I have not yet offspring from him

  4. There is a racing day on the 20th july for asil Arabians in Ostend (although they didn’t name it for asil Arabians but race for pure Arabians without contested bloodlines of unknown origines)

  5. That’s true Patrick I already schedulled a race in Ostend, not next one, with Nelly Philipot for participating with pure orientals arabian horses.

  6. Just got their definition – “Heritage arabian horse” = WAHO excluding Amer, Baroud III, Burning Sand, Dragon, St Laurent & tiwaiq.

  7. J’ai une photo de Baroud III, il ressemble bien à un arabe avec une taille d’1 m 50 mais je ne sais pas tout . Par contre, je mettrai Djerba Oua comme très douteux. Je ne connais pas Burnning Sand, pour le reste, je suis d’accord, surtout pour Amer, St Laurent et tiwaiq. Je suis dans l’expectative pour Dragon en sachant très bien que j’ai des doutes pour Norniz, le père. Pour Baroud III, je ne prêche pas pour ma chapelle, je ne l’ai pas dans mes origines.

  8. Off-charging,wheeling,lunging,retreating all at once,like a crag of rock,the torrent has swept down from on high(Imru El Qays).This is the nature of the desert Arabian horse and about his proper use,clues as to how best select our own horses to contribute to the future of the breed today,this survivor inspires me

  9. Edouard, nous sommes d’accord si Norniz n’est pas bon, Dragon ne l’est pas non plus. Pour Robert Mauvy, Norniz était bon ainsi que Dragon au niveau des origines et il n’y avait pas eu fraude et on les retrouve sur love (Iricho) par exemple.

  10. I Discover that Najm Yarob is an ambler,he is ambling very well and fast,like the bedouin horses of the past, you can travel long distances without tire. Carl Raswan speaks about this too in some place.How many qualitys can bring to us these desert arabians

  11. Hola me interesa contactar con jose manuel para cubricion con una yegua de nombra sahabah de mi propiedad,

  12. Hola Edouard puedes ponerme en contacto con Jose manuel, me interesa para una cubricion, saludos Benet desde Barcelona

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