On Kuhaylan ‘Abhul and Kuhaylan Mu’abhil in the Abbas Pasha Manuscript

The twin strains of Kuhaylan ‘Abhul and Kuhaylan Mu’abhil belong the Ruwalah and are named after men from this tribe. These strains are themselves branches of the better known Kuhaylan Tamiri.

On the first, page 595: Orar al Honaydi al Sha’lani of the Ruwalah, upon being asked about the sire of a certain mare: “O Ali, we do not remember that time, but they mated them to Saqlawi Jedran and Kuhaylan Tamiri of the horses of Ibn Abhul

On the second, page 522: Faysal al-Sha’laan, leader of the Ruwalah, upon being asked about it: “[…] and as for al Moabheliyah [alt. spelling Mu’abhiliyyah, masc Mu’abhil], she is Kuhayla Tamiriya, and her owner is Tamir of al Daghman and she is Kuhayla om Maarif.

3 Replies to “On Kuhaylan ‘Abhul and Kuhaylan Mu’abhil in the Abbas Pasha Manuscript”

  1. Re Faysal al-Sha’laan’s testimony, is the Kuhaylan Tamiri a branch of Kuhaylan Abu Maarif?

    1. That is a real puzzler, but at least that begins the process of nailing down the marbat of the sire of Aziz, sire of Mesaoud, right? I had not heard of the K. Abu Maria, and now it is of equal weight to K. Ajuz?

      I have so much to learn!

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