Photo: Hamdan II, 1957 Shuwayman Sabbah stallion in Austria

I wanted to post this photo of the Shuwayman Sabbah stallion Hamdan II (Hamdan X Folla by Ibn Barakat) born in 1957, bred at Hamdan stables and imported to Austria by the late Gustl Eutermoser. I took the photo as a schoolboy in Austria back in 1979, when Hamdan II was 22.

Mr Eutermoser maintained a stud of horses from Egypt and Saudi Arabia after having lived in the Middle east for some years. Later he moved to Spain where his wife continues breeding, concentrating on asil horses tested in endurance and dressage.

The Tahawi mares on the blog reminded me of this old stallion.


12 Replies to “Photo: Hamdan II, 1957 Shuwayman Sabbah stallion in Austria”

  1. Thank you, Matthais, for publishing this historic photo. I have often wondered what this horse was like as he was crossed with some excellent SE mares in Europe, in particular one tracing to one of my favorite Babolna horses, Bint Inas.

  2. Hamdan II sired some nice offspring. In the Netherlands had his asil son Hamid (x Abeer) some success where he won on 3 consequtive years his age class at the stallion licensing with first premium. A few popular showhorses have his blood but I don’t think he left any asil offspring. Was very pretty though, see

    You can also see here Hamasa Zarif (Egyptian x Turfa) who did sire some asil offspring that went back to Germany (I remember a picture of his impressive son with impossible name Mr Richards van de Coryon, out of a Crabbet mare)

    A little bit higher you can see Fikri, the in the Netherlands very influencial EAO stallion who was praised for his extreem desertlike type (also first premium stallion)

    Of course very few asils but what a stunning collection of Crabbet stallions they had in the Netherlands in the old days – they all made way for the Russians that entered through Kossak Stud.

    1. I had a non-asil Fikri grand-daughter sired by El Batal. She was an amazing mare of the Gayza/Gulnare tail female. Her name was Shela (El Batal x Suda). Her son Skudsky was champion at one of the Middle East championships in Jordan. This was before I was aware of the distinction between asil and non-asil in Western Arabian horse breeding..

  3. Very different sort of Egyptian horse than the stock heavily influenced by Nazeer, Sid Abouhom, and Moniet el Nefous.

  4. Thank you Mathias for publishing the foto of Hamdan II,because i’m interesting about his descendants but i had never seen a picture of this stallion.
    Actually i lease a pretty chestnut Obeyah mare (the line of Bint Kareema), Fereyha Dschamil who is by the Shuwayman Sabbah Dschamil ibn Amoun and out of Yosreia El Dahma. Both parents’ pedigree is on the
    Fereyha is in foal of Sheik Tahawy,also a Shuwayman Sabbah. Fereyha and Sheik Tahawy are from the horses of Vera Walchensteiner in Austria.

    Best wishes,

  5. All these asil lines are valuable,one by one, i think.
    First i collected and bred with only old Babolna bloodlines (mixed with Egyptian). Since a couple of years -in the spirit of diversity – changed my mind and added other bloodlines to our program.
    The latest broodmare of our herd, Shakka G.M. a 21 years old black Kuhaylat Al-Adjuze Al Shaykhah – among the old Babolna and Egyptian – has Turfa blood too. Our stallion, Dahhmany Bagdady is an old Babolna,Egyptian and Davenport “mix”. He,or one of his sons will covering Shakka GM in the next years…

  6. Laszlo, I wish You success in Your breeding programme. It is quite interesting to see what You are doing. As we just saw the Doyle´s foundationmare in a post, we can observe two “totally” different approaches in breeding asil lines: You with Your “spirit of diversity” and the Doyles in the opposite with only three foundation horses, breeding within this closed pool for more than 60 years.
    Two extremes, also a kind of “spirit of diversity”! I like it!

  7. Laszlo and Matthias: Outcrossing and inbreeding are what makes the breeding world go around. many of the ,” great horses,” of history were linebred outcrosses. You can see the pattern in many european studs. Line breed three outcross one. According the the U.S. Shagya people that was how the Hungarians developed the Shagya. Three Shagya stallions, three generations in a row, and then outcross back to a Desert bred, or Asil stallion.
    Best wishes
    Bruce Peek

  8. Hamdan II has 194 offspring in North America–153 of those since 1990. My Folla blooded mare EB shamara has one line to this stallion. Thank you for posting this picture. It is very difficult to find these gems!

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