Photos of Asara on DAHC Website

Jeanne Craver has sent a number of precious photos of the Kuhaylat al-Krush mare Asara (Kasar x Badia by Jadaan) to be uploaded on the Davenport Arabian Horse Conservancy website.

Asara is one of the Second Foundation Davenport mare, whose is the tail female of a number of favorites featured on this blog, such as the Krush stallions Janub Al Krush, CL Hi-Ned, and Indie Star.

Below are are some of these photos, which you can click on to enlarge. What a mare.

10 Replies to “Photos of Asara on DAHC Website”

  1. I can see why many speak of her as a foundation quality mare. The top picture shows her hip length, proving she is substantially better than a three circle horse. The photo nicely highlights her hip bone which has a very good slope- no tabletop toy hindends here! I bet she was a very good mover. Good big hooves, and an intelligent eye, with an alert expression.
    Best wishes
    Bruce Peek

  2. Boss Lady of Craver Farms! I had many horses until the Krush came. Tybalt, June, Desert Air, Junes Air, Arabic Air,etc., then all their foals. (Pretty much all the other horses left.)Riding was everything, Tybalt, who was train by Charles was my life! These horses were different, they were Krush! And Charles was eager to share, and guide my thinking.

    My greatest feelings were with Asar, we simply enjoyed life, together. There were others such as Porthos, Sir Oliver, and so many more. Remembering so many is not the forgetting, just their names.

    Someone said years ago, “I miss you and am still alive.”
    I still have the Krush, but I miss those that are gone!
    And the loses to come!

    Am sure those people of the Desert, the Bedouin, are the same as I. In that their children’s children miss what those prior had as to their horses, the Bedouin’s Arabian Horse. Trust, both the horse and his companion, the Bedouin. So what about Asara, To me and my family she was everything. As were the stallions bred to her!

    Jackson, Bedouin Arabians

  3. I saw the pics on Facebook on the Al Khamsa group page. Her face is beautiful and full of expression, as Bruce said. I really liked her topline, so strong, so smooth. The second picture gives me goosebumps, its so darn pretty. Thanks.

  4. I have many fond memories of Jackson’s Krush horses in New Mexico. We visited several times and took movies. Asar was fantastic and Porthos noble and Sir Oliver gleaming like brand new copper. Some of the films are very dramatic, watching the young Krush stallions playing and leaping all around Jackson being careful not to step on him. I was able to get in the middle of it all and take movies. I remember well the young seal brown stallion Oreb Al Krush (Dharanad x High-C). Many fond memories.

  5. Bruce,

    There are more then several Breeders, Carol Lyons daughter has some, Janelle Wilde, several farms that Janelle knows in her area have some. A person in Texas has several, associated with Kim Davis. Pamela did have a mare of Kim’s, maybe gone now?
    Yes, my daughter and I have several. Since time past, they have scattered, but are being bred. Perhaps someday soon, another Asar? Tybalt? or even better a Krush like Lente Al Krush, a son of Asar. Then there are others that will make their own way to the top! A Monologue son is
    now in the wings. People are cooperating and perhaps trust will reenter into a scene of non trust.

    Who knows what can happen and will!


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