Rare Hallany Mistanny Photo

This old photo of the 1937 black Saqlawi Jadran stallion Hallany Mistanny (Zarife x Roda) is from Billy Sheet’s photo archives. I am not sure it’s been published before. Hallany Mistanny sired his first asil foal in his twenties, and along with his Travelers Rest (General Dickinson’s stud) mate Sirecho (Nasr x Exochorda) was a cornerstone of the preservation renaissance which Jane Ott led in the 1950s.

15 Replies to “Rare Hallany Mistanny Photo”

  1. Wonderful photo which shows his refinement. I had the pleasure to look at a video of him while visiting Mari Silveus, longtime breeder of the Hallany horses.

  2. Thanks for posting this photo. I am especially interested in him because my only purebred right now is a great-granddaughter through his son Zante. She is very solidly built with excellent conformation.

  3. The daughter I had of Hallany Mistanny was built much more along these lines then the horses which one saw more often which had Gulastra in them, these tended to be more compact. I think that is why nearly everyone thought he was a square built horse which he was not. But, my mare’s half brother, was much more compact then she was.

  4. A huge thank you to Billy Sheets, for having the forsight to get p[ictures of what hallany mistany was like in collection.. Arched neck, wonderfully smooth coupling, and a round functional hindend. very good horse.
    Bruce Peek

  5. This photo appears to have been taken at Howard Mark’s place in California. For those who had seen the brief movie clip of Hallany Mistanny that Walter Schimanski used to show in the 1970s they can see that he was a bit more stretchy in frame than presumed from photos. This was also true of his daughter Mist Aana who I took movies of.

  6. The video that Clo referred to shows him to be even more stretcy, all around, neck more lenth as well, still same shape (lines) as in your treasure of a photo, with that wonderful arch at the mitbah. Walter gave me this film, and when he first showed it to me, he said, “He willl not look like you think he will.” I was blown away with his elgance and clssic type. He looked so much like we perceive the Saqlawi type to look, YET, WITH such strength and power, as epitomized by what we perceive as Kuhaylan type to look. He reminded me so much of my beloved Princeton Faaris and the *Maaroufa horses. In 2012, for the first time in history, Hallany Mistanny’s SE family, God willing, will see foals with four crosses to this truly great Arabian stallion and sire, an icon of Egyptian Arabian Horse breeding. Thank you so much for sharing this pricelss photo.

  7. Lovely photo. My aunt had a Hallany Mistanny grandson, HMR Phario, with whom I was always fascinated. Ultimately she decided that he just didn’t cross well on her mares, but he did produce lovely fillies on other people’s mares. (!) Anyway, Phario had this same bouncy collection that was a delight to watch. (Standing still he could look a bit odd — depended on the day.)

  8. This photograph made my day! I am a preservationist breeder focusing on Hallany Mistanny blood. My 4 foundation mares range in % from 25% to 32.25% HM. I too grew up with a Hallany Mistanny Grandson, what a horse he was! Thank you for this beautiful photograph!!!

  9. I have/had two with Gulastra/Hallany Mistanny with a splash of Ibn Morafic.. wow.. love them. My Stallion is gone now, but I see him everyday in his daughter. Blessed to have them. Enjoyed the picture very much. I saw his video at Mari’s as well what a treat that was.


  10. I have a black daughter of True Colours
    who’s great-grandmother Angelena is a granddaughter of Hallany Mistanny through
    Prince Hallany. The black line comes from him. She is very beautiful but more solidly built with a square body type…love that picture of him.

  11. I was so glad to see this photo. My aunt had a stallion Sheik Hallany .He was my aunts prize stallion from Coffey’s Arabians 1963 Stockton California. I lived in California as a child an was able to ride some of these fabulous horses. My aunt would tell us about Hallany Mistanny and Gulastra Raajiah. My aunt has passed and Coffey’s Arabians also is also gone. I live in Texas and have be looking for any photos or any connection to my aunts Arabian horses.

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