Rhoufi in France

I am so very proud of this beautiful and fine stallion, one of the very last Tunisian asil in existence. I am also very grateful to Skander Karoui to have given me the opportunity to acquire him. Not a single ounce of French Arabian blood, whether old (Denouste, Duc II, Kriss II, etc.) or new (Dormane, Tidjani, Kesberoy, etc), runs in this veins. Only the old Tunisian and Algerian government bloodlines, as preserved by Gisela Bergmann. He is 21, so in a few years, his bloodlines will belong to the past. The Tunisians has done an impressive job of destroying their old, authentic, highly prized national bloodlines by mixing it with that of French and other “fake Arabian” stallions. Within a couple of generations, all 100% Tunisian blood was gone.

The excellent grey stallion in the pasture is Shueyman Fahad (Mahboob Halab x Shueymah Sabbah by Mokhtar x Murad Haouda by Cherif x Hamada), a 2011 Shuwayman stallion bred by JC Rajot and owned by Arnault Decroix. The grey under the tree is Dahhmany Bagdady.

11 Replies to “Rhoufi in France”

  1. Rhoufi looks very alert; I get the impression that he was quite a lively fellow in his younger days. He has marvellous bone. I am very glad you have been able to collect him already – he is a quality horse.

    Shueyman Fahad has such an interesting pedigree, with a Syrian sire and damsire, and his second dam a blend of French and Tunisian blood. I really like him too!

  2. I know this is supposed to be a post about Rhoufi, but I found myself drawn to Shueyman Fahad. He reminds me a lot of my childhood mare Watermelon, but with an Arabian rear end instead of a Quarter Horse rear end. A very charming stallion (to me), just from a quick blush of this video.

    That said, I like what I see of Rhoufi. He made such a long journey to France, and I’m really happy he made it safely. If Shueyman Fahad is anything to go off of, Rhoufi will flourish once he’s had a chance to bounce back.

    1. yes he has lost a lot of weight, no going around that. He is too thin. Fahad is very good and a good producer, but shorter in the neck and plainer in the face, more compact and more Syrian in that sense.

  3. Wonderful legs- where do you ever find that kind of limb substance nowadays in arabians- or even warmbloods for that matter? Also he has good big feet. So-I have to ask just to be clear can he ship cooled semen?- has a much higher conception rate.
    Bruce Peek

  4. What a stallion! I wish my Tunesian/asil Weil mare was still alive (and 15 years younger). He would have been the perfect fit. I hope he can cover as many asil mares as possible to have progeny.

      1. https://www.allbreedpedigree.com/jilfan+saiyana

        She had one foal with me and 3 others at her breeder, 2 mares I think which were asil. I never found their owners anymore 🙁 . The mother, Imraa, was imported by Walter Dill with other Tunesian mares and sold to Prof. Jung – he died long time ago and non of his mares are still breeding I think. There was some progeny in Germany, though.

          1. I asked them once that question and the answer was because they had real doubts because the way the French were handling the breeding of Arabian horses. I assume they refered to breeding with horses with missing lines like Denouste or the rotation of the stallions from France to North-Africa and vice-versa.

            Gisele Bergman told me once in our conversations that they blocked them mainly because there were so many Tunesian asils at the time and they didn’t want that competition. And at the time they could be bought at cheap price, yet they were of top quallity.

            I remember Walther Dill had started legal procedure with the Asil Club about his Tunesian imports (or Asil Club with him, don’t remember exactly). After the procedure he could call label them “Tunesian asil” but not merely “asil”

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