25-Amurath Sahib descendants

The 1952 daughter of Amurath Sahib and 221-Kuhaylan Zaid (tail female to 60-Adjuze), 25-Amurath Sahib was a pretty grey mare (you can see a photo of her here), who produced a number of asil foals for Bábolna, including their chief sire Farag II, by Farag (Morafic x Bint Kateefa), the stallion Ghalion 6, by Ghalion (Morafic x Lubna), and the mare 3-Siglavy Bagdady VI, by Siglavy Bagdady VI (Siglavy Bagdady VI x 250-Kuhailan Haifi I). Some of the descendants of these horses can be found at Farag Arabians, Germany. Stephanie Weirich has very kindly consented to share photos of her 25-Amurath Sahib horses. The 1999 stallion Sheik Tahawi (Unkas x Tahia) has been brought in for the daughters of Farag II-3. The mare Shuweyma Sabbah (Moftha x Moona) is being bred this year to Sahil Ibn Farag II-3. Both Shuweyma Sabbah and Sheik Tahawi trace back to the mare Folla. It is good to see these unique bloodlines breeding on, as they preserve some of the old European lines, as well as Kuhailan Zaid and Kuhailan Haifi, in asil form.