Tzviah’s horses

The horses of Tzviah Idan are now on Facebook. One link includes horses of Egyptian bloodlines that Tzviah imported from Babolna, and the other is a link to their progeny

Tzviah, I like them all, and feel that you’ve been doing an outstanding job, but I can’t help feel that there is something extra special about Hila B and her progeny.

PS — social networking sites are all over now. I never thought I’d be linking to Facebook on an desert Arabian horse blog..

6 Replies to “Tzviah’s horses”

  1. Dear Edouard, Jeanne, and Joe.
    What a nice surprise. Thanks so much for your kind words. Edouard, I didn’t expect you to plug the albums on your blog, just wanted to share our program with you. I’m overwhelmed – thank you. I just discovered that Facebook is great for people like me who have yet to design a decent website (shame on me) but want a site to show off their horses. Its simple to upload the photos and you can play with them and edit as much as you need.
    I’m not surprised that you like Hila’s produce. She is an exceptional broodmare, our alpha mare, and an incredibly savvy riding mare. She will foal in June to Simeon Sharav. We have covered two of our Babolna mares with her Laheeb son, Atiq Hilal, a colt of great quality who is developing in ‘slow motion’, but improving all the time.

  2. Hi Edouard:

    I spoke by email with Tzviah yesterday and she mentioned that you had also posted the links to her Facebook albums. Yesterday, in honor of “Earth Day”, I posted the links as well. As a matter of fact, without knowing it, I titled my entry with the same title!

    When Tzviah made the importation of the Babolna horses, I was so curious! At the time, one of my favorite Egyptian Horses, El Thay Mameluk (Ibn Nazeema x El Thay Mansoura) went to Babolna and sired some amazing horses, Emiratus B and Taghira B being two of them. So, I hope you can understand my curiosity! I knew the Babolna mares were incredibly special to begin with and the later infusions of Ansata Halim Shah, resulted in magnificent horses. I am not able to access Facebook while at work, so, it took me a few days to visit the albums. With work and family, any free time is limited, so I have to admit that I saw the pictures quickly, without focusing on the text. I picked out my favorite horses and on Tuesday, when I had more time to really study the pictures, I could not believe that my favorites, were really a family:

    Grandmother: 227 Ibn Galal I
    Daughter: 216 Haszuna B
    Grand-daughter: Hora B

    I found it excruciatingly difficult to think of anything other than Hora B. I was completely blown away by her beauty, her feminine charm, her harmony, her grace…I wanted to use the cliche “poetry in motion” but she is so exquisite, I didn’t want to be “cheap” if that makes sense.

    I am in awe of the collection of horses and really marvel over the accomplishments that Tzviah and Kuti have made. Babolna was the “seed” and the garden that has sprouted and flourished is so exciting and so completely wonderful. Arabian Horses for me, are the wonders of God’s creation. Always joyful, always uplifting, always inspiring. It is only fitting, when we reflect on our earth and upon the pulse of the planet, we must also reflect on the glorious Arabian Horse. It’s all connected.

    Thank you Tzviah…although we are many miles apart, who knew that in a small way, you could bring so much joy into another person’s life. I am so grateful.
    Ralph Suarez

  3. Dear Ralph,
    We are grateful to you for sharing your feedback and your views about our horses. We know Al Thay Mameluk and Emiratush quite well, and were hoping to lease Mameluk at one point and bring him to Israel, but it was not to be. I have video of both stallions, filmed at the home of Sabina von Elm, who leased Mameluk to Babolna. She was also the owner of Halim Shah I-1, Halim Shah I’s very classic white daughter out of 227 Ibn Galal I, who had a very successful show career in Germany and was later exported to the Gulf.

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