Wujra Al Arab
On July 27 — my birthday — Wadha foaled a chestnut filly, sired through artificial insemination by the Bahraini stallion of Jenny Lees, Shuwaiman Al Rais (photo below). Further news about this loooong-awaited filly will be shared once she is out of the woods (i.e., the U Penn vet hospital in New Bolton, PA), so no photos just yet.
In keeping with the W line back to her granddam Wisteria CF and her great-granddam HB Wadduda, I named her Wujra — which in Arabic means “the one fed or medicated by mouth”. She will pull through.

I am so happy for you and am willing little Wujra to be a strong girl! All the best to you, Wadha, Wujra and the U Penn team.
The very same from here.
All best wishes for little Wujra! Can’t wait to see her after she comes home!
thank you to all four of you. it means a lot.
After Wadhah’s terrible experience last year, I am so glad little Wujra is pulling through.
Congratulations Eduoards. This is a very good thing for the US. To have more outcross blood from Bahrain is an important thing. I hope all goes well with her.
Eduoard not Eduoards lol