7 Replies to “Ibn Dharantez”

  1. I can dig in the files; he has been gone for quite a while now. He was not a perfect horse, as he was a tad long in the back, but he had an exceptionally lovely head for a stallion.

  2. Yes, Ibn Dharantez’s chief fault was that he was what Frank Hannesschlager would have called “too long and sausagey” (i.e., sausage-shaped) in the barrel. But what tremendous style he had, what wonderful type and carriage. The trick in using him was to retain the wonderful style, type, and carriage, but shorten the body. This was achieved in his son Tajar CF, who was out of one of the all-time great Craver Farms broodmares, Oriole.

  3. his personality was just as great as as it beauty of his head – I thought he was just “dandy.” I do wonder if you have seen the double exposure photos of him and Lysander?

  4. Hi, Darcy! Good to hear from you. Those were wonderful photos, but they were all before digital, and so are on film and paper in our files, unless you or your mother has a digital version. Thinking of you folks this holiday!

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