Looking for an outstanding stallion..

I am still looking for a first class stallion, more than fourteen years after having acquired my first US mare. I came across many outstanding stallions during these years, but I was never lucky enough to acquire one. The Davenport stallions Popinjay CF, Javera Thadrian, Triermain CF and Daedalus LD were some of these. Also the Ma’naqis RB Bellagio, which I saw, and Dakhala Sabiq from the breeding of Jeanne Craver, which I did not see. They must have been something else, judging from the photos. Proud carriage of head and tail, sparkly eyes, deep jowls, a slight arched neck, high withers, a short back, a deep girth and a long hip are a must. Have you recently seen a horse with these features?