Ginger has a baby girl

This has to be the best horse news of the summer. Bev just wrote from Idaho to share the news that DA Ginger Moon (“Ginger”) delivered a healthy filly foal several hours ago, a week or even two before her due date. Four white socks and a winding blaze. Very long ears, fine muzzle. I am elated. Bev’s Subanet Jabbar SDA is the sire. This is his first foal. I am still looking for a name that starts with “K” (cf. her ancestors Kumoniet, Kumence, and Kualoha).

14 Replies to “Ginger has a baby girl”

  1. Good for you guys!! The pedigree blend looks nicely balanced too. Any truth to the popular belief that preemies are preemies because they are especially smart and athletic?
    Bruce Peek

  2. She is gorgeous. May I ask why you desire a name that starts with “K”? Everyone seems to have a different system.

  3. Moira, thank you. The reason is that I would like to have a different letter for each of my dam lines, a little like Crabbet (R for Rodania, N for Nefisa/Dajania, A for Asfura/Queen of Sheba, S for Sobha, M for Meshua, F for Ferida, etc). I have seven dam lines. This is a K dam line because her grand mother was Kumence, whose dam was Kumoniet, whose dam was Kualoha. Ginger’s name was an outlier in that sense.

    Hylke wrote and proposed Kinza yesterday (Treasure). I like Bassam’s Kaukab (star/planet). I also like Kindah (first Arab kindgom in Najd around 100 AD).

  4. It’s so good to see your persistence rewarded, best wishes for her to thrive. My first Arabian was a grandson of Kaukab so I have good associations with that name. Not sure Kaukab al-Arab has quite the right sound, though.

  5. Congratulations!!! She’s beautiful! How about Karima, for her name, and all the best for an amazing future for her!

  6. She is such a sweetie yet has a teeny attitude. Legs! I’m thrilled to have the privilege to watch her progress. Ginger is a pleasure to work with. I have her full sister here as well (DA Moon Dancer) much different personalities but trying to get her to foal also. She is maiden yet.

  7. I love that a lot. Thank you for explaining!

    If we were voting, I’d likely throw mine in for Kindah al-Arab. I suppose it would be cheesy to suggest Kamara al-Arab.

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