Nimr Again

I am posting a month-old photo of the young desert-bred stallion Nimr Shabareq at four years old so that readers can see how the horse has evolved over time. The second photo was taken when he was three, and the third one, when he was two. Hopefully, him, his owner and I will live a long life so I can keep posting photos of him every year to show you how he matures. Click on each photo to enlarge it.


5 Replies to “Nimr Again”

  1. I like this desert looking alert stallion. He is no show ring beauty queen, but will excel in long distance endurance riding. Nice long sloping shoulder which is on my wish list.

  2. I am struck by how much this horse resembles some conformation shots of Gulastra and also the Doyle bred Gulastra’s descendants, Dib (Omagh x Ghadib) and Blarney (Ibn Gulida x Bint Ghadaf).

  3. did i tell you that i went horse riding for the first time?!? his name is Istambul al Douapicki al ‘anid al awwal. Robust, downtoearth (i can confirm also from the rider point of view), constantly hungry, gently disobedient, and sweaty (in a green sort of way). I loved it!!!

    Yes long life to all. waynak shta2na!

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