Wisteria had a filly yesterday at 11.30 pm

Yesterday night, my Wisteria CF delivered a tall grey filly by Javera Thadrian at 11.30 pm, at Craver Farms. “Narrow blaze, nothing on her legs. Reddish coat, grey “goggles” around her eyes”, says Jeanne. Both mother and filly are reportedly doing well. I so wish I was there now. Instead, I am in a Washington corporate office drafting memos (and writing about the filly, from a distance). Oh well.

17 Replies to “Wisteria had a filly yesterday at 11.30 pm”

  1. Congratulations!!!
    I wish you from the deep of my heart all the best with the filly.
    May Allâh make it grow.

  2. Thanks to all !

    Her name will be Wadhah (pronounced WAD-hah) after Wadhah bint Falah al-Subaylah a famous Bedouin woman from the Bani Sakhr tribe. More on this later..

  3. A huge congratulations to Wisteria and Edouard, and a big thank you to the Cravers for parenting this latest jewel. I am blessed to have her full sister, Walladah, coming up on 4 years of age. As soon as Walladah sheds out, I’ll get some photos — should give a hint of how Wadhah will look in a few years. I’m guessing they will be like two peas in a pod.

  4. Congratulations.
    She will grow to be like all her siblings, compact, muscular and beautiful. Along with Triermain movement.

  5. Edouard:

    CONGRATULATIONS on the birth of your new filly. WOW!!! Javera Thadrian x Wisteria CF. WOW!!! And now, your vision begins on a very strong foundation…like Joe said, this is your step into the future. I am so happy for you and anxious to see how this family will continue!!!


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