Important Quote: Robert Mauvy on breeding Arabians outside of Arabia

Yesterday, I received one of the first 50 copies of the late French “Master-Breeder” Robert Mauvy’s “Doctrine d’Elevage” (his ‘Approach to Breeding’), which has just been published by the “Union pour la Sauvegarde du Cheval Arabe – USCAR”, at long last. USCAR is one of France’s preservationist organizations, which Mauvy helped found. I want to thank Louis Bauduin and Jean-Claude Rajot for sending me a copy of this precious document, which outlines and explicates Mauvy’s approach to breeding Arabian horses outside of their native homeland. Here’s a quote: “Toute selection ou amelioration chevaline doit se faire du Sud vers le Nord mais jamais a l’inverse” In English: “Every attempt at improvement or selection must take place from the South to the North, not visa versa” Further explanation may be needed: in Mauvy’s parlance, the South is the cradle of the breed, Arabia Deserta, and, to a lesser extent, Egypt and North Africa, the latter being a French dominated region where the climate and the soil are very similar to the horse-breeding areas of Arabia. The North is Europe (which on a map, lies to the North of Arabia, Egypt and North Africa). What Mauvy meant is that Arabian horse-breeding in…