كحيلة الخدلية من مربط عضيب الوقاع السبيعي

فرس شقراء كحيلة الخدلية يعود مربطها الى عضيب الوقاع السبيعي ابوها الصقلاوي الجدراني من خيل دريعي الاحدب من عشيرة شمر ابو امها المعنقي السبيلي حصان الشويطي من خيل النجرس من عشيرة العقيدات

14 Replies to “كحيلة الخدلية من مربط عضيب الوقاع السبيعي”

  1. A magnificent Kuhaylah Khdiliyah, born ca. 1970, from the marbat of ‘Ubayd Ibn Waqqa’. He was the Shaykh of the Mahajimah clan of the Mawayiqah sub-tribe of the Sba’ah tribe of the Anazah condederation. He moved with his clan from Syria to Saudi Arabia. Her sire a Saqlawi Jadran of the horses of Dray’i al-Hadb of the Shammar. No less.

  2. When we look at the Syrian studbook we can see that breeders in general, reputed or not, take care of the keheilan khidli in the choice of the stallions used: either straight on the line or chooze among the good ones like Ayid, Raad, Mas’huj, Thalool… and even the egyptian Okaz belonging to the last Qatari Consul Yussef Rumeilli with Leelass.

    1. Absolutely.

      Saudi historian Hamad al-Jassir cited the strain as one of the purest and most ancient Arabian horse strains. It is my dream to own a Kuhaylah Khdiliyah.

      The Abbas Pasha Manuscript also mentions the use by the Mutayr tribe of a Kuhaylan Khdili stallion which they had taken from the Shammar, and the Shammar had taken him from the Khdilat clan of the Fad’aan tribe.

      The Tiaret import Safita was a bay Kuhaylan Khdili, imported to colonial Algeria by General Detroyat. He is present in Mauvy lines as the sire of Iaqouta.


  3. Absolutely.

    Saudi historian Hamad al-Jassir cited the strain as one of the purest and most ancient Arabian horse strains. It is my dream to own a Kuhaylah Khdiliyah.

    The Abbas Pasha Manuscript also mentions the use by the Mutayr tribe of a Kuhaylan Khdili stallion which they had taken from the Shammar, and the Shammar had taken him from the Khdilat clan of the Fad’aan tribe.

    The Tiaret import Safita was a bay Kuhaylan Khdili, imported to colonial Algeria by General Detroyat in 1924. He is closely found in Mauvy lines as the sire of Iaqouta.

    1. As what they say “the Bedouin and civilized of syria that the Kuhaylah Khdiliyah is part or branched/originely of Kuhaylah’t al-musin.

  4. Arnault:

    Leelas: pere Ma’naqi Sbayli de Shwaiti (le fameux); pere de mere: Hamdani Ibn Ghurab de Dandal; pere de grand-mere Ma’naqi Sbayli le borgne (al-Aawar, l’ancien), d’apres la hujjah. Le stud-book a omis une generation

      1. probably an uncle given the age. The marbat of Hamdani ibn Ghurab at the Aqaydat is with Raja al-Dandal, they got them from the Shammar in war in the XXth century.

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