The Arabian Horse Manifesto – A Draft for Discussion

Several productive discussions have recently taken place in public and in private about the proposed draft of the Arabian Horse Manifesto. Earlier this year, I started a series of posts on this blog under the title “Toward a New Manifesto of the Arabian Breed“. After receiving plenty of feedback, and discussions with Arab and non-Arab figures active in the Arabian horse sphere, I am happy to share a more solid draft, with values, principles, and definitions, for more discussions and comments: The Introduction Vision Our vision is a new era of the Arabian Horse that is based on the acknowledgment of its original qualities, more understanding and learning of its historical background, higher respect of its cultural values and context, better cooperation between the East and West, and the adoption of modern science in drawing the future of the breed. Mission  The Arabian Horse Manifesto aims at setting a common direction for the community of the Arabian Horse at large, including breeders, researchers, registration bodies, and academia, to unite and align our endeavors for sustaining and prospering the Asil Arabian Horse, and maintaining its authenticity and quality. Introducing the Manifesto The highly famed and distinguished Arabian breed is at a…