Lexington CF alive and well

Abdur Rahman Mohamed is the new owner of Lexington CF (Regatta CF x Anthesis CF by Plantagenet) and he sent me these photos of his stallion, which the Davenport breeders community thought was lost in a West Virginia sale. Not professional shots (heck, none of the recent photos on this website are professional shots but I couldn’t care less), but they do show some of the horse, who is one of the greats. He is happy and loved and lives near Chicago, IL.



14 Replies to “Lexington CF alive and well”

  1. wonderful to hear he’s alive and well. Terry of ARM said he died, I’m so happy she was wrong

  2. Reagent CF is with us now.I had a couple of members of Mr Fazal khan confirm his identity.The good news is that he is not gelded.He was brought back from a farm in Indiana.He has lost weight but we are working on him to get back in shape.

  3. Good Day Mr Edouard,
    I wanted to let you know that I would be offering lexington cf for stud services this year.Please let me know if anyone is interested.
    Thank you

  4. I had not discovered your blog when this was originally posted. Lexington CF is a wonderfully built horse! Wish he were closer geographically. Might there be photos of Reagent CF available?

  5. Fantastic news!!! With a rare tail mail line in Davenports restored a colt offspring would be most welcomed!! I have long admired the Core Schilla group.

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