Photo of the Day: Zahra, an asil Kuhaylat al-Nawwaq from Syria

Now that’s my Zahrah (Dinar x Hanadi by Krush Juhayyim), a Kuhaylat al-Nawwaq from the marbat of Shaykh Abdul Jalil al-Naqabashbandi, a sufi leader from the area of Der al-Zor, in the Middle Euphrates region of Syria. My father and I picked Zahra from Kamal Abdul Khaliq’s herd when she was 10 days old, in 1994 I think, and we eventually sold her when I came to the USA in 2000. She is pictured here with her filly foal by Saad al-Thani, a Kuhaylan al-Khdili, and another favorite of mine, who is also a son of al-Aawar (and so Dinar’s half brother). The little, un-named filly was thus double al-Aawar. She died a few days after the picture was taken. I will talk about the origins of all these horses in more detail later. For now, I just wanted to feature four generations of Al-Aawar breeding (Al-Aawar, his son Dinar, Dinar’s daughter Zahra, and Zahra’s filly foal who was double al-Aawar).

Photo of the Day: Dinar, Ma’anaqi Zudghum, a son of al-Aawar

Ma’anaqi Zudghum is one of the most respected marabet of Sbayli, owned by a Bedouin of the Sba’ah tribe called Zudghum. Dinar’s sire, the Hamdani Simri al-Aawar, was pictured in an earlier entry. This photo was taken by my father at Mustafa al-Jabri’s stud in Aleppo, where Dinar, then a growthy two and a half years old colt, was on loan from his owner Zafir Abdul Khaliq. Back then (early 1990s, judging by the shirt I am wearing in the picture), Dinar was thought to have a ‘prettier’ head than your average Arabian horse from Syria, so breeders rushed to breed him to their mares even though he was still too young. It may have stifled his growth process. Again desert-bred horses in general and al-Aawar’s sons and daughters in particular take a longer time to mature, and in a hindsight, I think this one would have matured into a much better proportioned horse had he not been used so heavily at such a young age.

Photo of the day: Al-Aawar, desert-bred Hamdani Simri stallion from the Shammar

This venerable, glorious horse, one of my all-time favorite stallions, will be featured in detail in an upcoming post, which I am taking my time to write. Meanwhile, enjoy the picture, which I took at twilight at Radwan Shabareq’s stud in Aleppo, Syria, sometime in the mid 1990s. Al Aawar was in his 20s.