A desert-bred Kuhaylah mare from the Dulaym tribe ca. 1910

Arabic language Facebook pages concerned with historical photographs of the Arab world, its populations, and its culture occasionally turn up photos of Bedouin Arabian horses. Below is one example: The text under the photo is in Ottoman Turkish, a language I don’t read, but close enough to Arabic for me to make up that the mare was a Kuhaylah, aged 7 years old, 148 cm tall, color “coral grey” (marjan gri, if I am reading it correctly), and that she was gifted to a senior Ottoman official (perhaps the Sultan himself) by Far’un al-Yaqut, one of the leaders of the Bedouin tribe of al-Fatlah. The Fatlah are one of the main branches of large Bedouin tribe of Dulaym, whose territory lies in the Lower Euphrates valley, in and around the Bedouin cities of Hit, Fallujah and Ramadi. The Dulaym, themselves a branch of the larger pre-Islamic tribe of Zubayd (to which the Jubur and the Juhaysh also belong) have a reputation of bravery and fierceness in battle. Although the tribe was largely settled from early on, the leaders of the Dulaym were considered by the shaykhs of nomadic Bedouin tribes such as the Shammar, the ‘Anazah, the Dhafir, etc., as…

“Wisdom from the Breeding Shed”, by Jeanne and Charles Craver, in Swift Runners

The latest edition of Swift Runners, the refreshing and much welcome monthly newsletter launched by Denise Hearst, Betty Finke, Scott Benjamin and a few others features a reprint of an earlier article by Charles and Jeanne Craver, Wisdom from the Breeding Shed. It deserves to be read and reread far and wide.

Sandra Olsen article on ancient Arabian horses in North Arabian petroglyph

Dr. Sandra Olsen published this article in “Arabian Humanities” on “Insight on the Ancient Arabian Horse from North Arabian Petroglyphs”. If you don’t want to read the entire article, skim through it, look at the pictures and compare with your own horses. Stylized depictions of the horse did not begin with the Orientalists.

Video of Arab horse competition in Beirut, 1959

The link below leads to a video from the British Pathé’s Reuters Archive, showing parts of a competition held in Beirut: LEBANON: BEIRUT: HORSE PARADE OF BEST ARAB STALLIONS. (1959) The British Pathé’s description of the video is given below: Background: The proud and nobly-bred Arab stallion came under scrutiny, October 10, during a competition in Beirut, Lebanon, to select the most perfect animal of the breed. Kuwaits’ ruler, Sheikh Abdullah Sabah, provided strong competition with horses from his Arab stock, but failed to outclass the entry from Iraq. According to age, the horses were placed in one of three sections, Winner of the section for animals over three years of age, was an Arab stallion, owned by Mr. Mirrahi of the Lebanon. A three-year-old Arab horse from Iraq won the intermediate class, for Mr. Mikkaoui. Iraq also claimed first place in the class for the under three-year-old, when a horse owned by Henri Pharaon was chosen. Of interest are two of Edouard’s previous posts on Arab horses from Lebanon: *LEBNANIAH ROSTER PROPOSAL TO AL KHAMSA (2009): Mentions the al-Mi’rabi family. Cf. “Mr. Mirrahi of the Lebanon” in the British Pathé text above; the British Pathé descriptions do not always have…

Bint Antan

One of the most stunning Davenport pictures ever taken is this picture of the Davenport broodmare Bint Anta (El Alamein x Antan by Antez), the dam of Regency CF, Fiddledeedee, Orient, Reprise, Levant CF, and many others, a Hamdaniyah Simriyah. Photo by the most talented photographer, Anita Westfall. Photo courtesy of Jeanne Craver. You cannot unsee that look, and you cannot but help looking back.

Looking at the Al Khamsa Preservation Task Force ten years later

I just stumbled this AK PTF update from 2013. The early 2010s were a critical time for many of lines, as many breeders/owners were reeling from the impact of the 2008 financial crisis. However, most of these horses went to good breeding homes, and now have descendants. Ten years later, the results are encouraging.

Assyrian bas-relief from 710 BC

Gleaned off Facebook. By the way, in case I haven’t written this before, I don’t believe these was yet such a thing as an “Arab horse breed” — the term ‘breed’ is a socio-cultural construct — at that early time, but there clearly was an oriental horse, some descendants of which eventually came to form the Arab breed. Notice the long, thick tail and the trimmed mane. The pair does look like my Jamr. Just saying.

A touching story about the Sharif Hussein of Mecca

Colin Pearson and Kees Mol’s “The Arabian Horse Families of Egypt” has this story, at once beautiful and sad, about the relationship of the Sharif of Mecca (and King of the Hijaz from 1916-1924) Hussein ibn Ali, head of the Hashemite royal family with one of his mares, Zahra. The story is buried in an endnote on page 149: On his abdication in 1924, [King Hussein of Hijaz] went to live in Cyprus and took with him two mares and two stallions. Sir Ronald Storrs, the then British High Commissioner of Cyprus, relates how Zahra “the gentlest and most graceful, would step delicately up the flight of many stairs from the garden and walk without shyness to the Salamlik, to be greeted by cries of “Ahlan”, “Ma Sha Allah”, “Allahu Akbar”, or “Qurribi, ya bint ammi” (“Draw nigh, oh daughter of my paternal uncle”). The king would call her “Qurrat al-Ain” — “cooling of the eyelids” — and offer her dates which she would eat slowly, never failing to eject the stones onto a plate.” But tragedy followed. A groom who had been dismissed took his revenge upon the horses and fatally maimed two of them, including Zahra. King Hussein…

Barakah Al Arab — December 2023

Barakah, who will be eight next year, is turning into a solid mare. She is increasingly looking like her dam, with a deeper girth and the shorter back that her sire Wadd contributed. She is seven months in foal to Monologue CF. Monologue, by the way, is now at a semen collection and freezing facility. Darlene Summers and I are hoping for enough frozen semen to cover ten mares.

Madinas Miracle, December 2023

Finally I feel confident about sharing a photo of Madinas Miracle, who arrived last year in poor shape, and has taken a long time to recover. I will try a breeding to Jamr in the spring, after treating her uterine infection. There are a lot of things to like about this mare. First, her origins: she is a direct great-granddaughter of *Muhaira, imported by Dr Esther Ames from Arabia, so she is very close to the desert. She hails from a Central Arabian lineage, of the ‘Ubayyan strain of Prince Ibn Jalawi. Second, she has prominent withers, extending long into her back. That’s a characteristic of good endurance horses. Third, the very deep jowls, a sign of asalah in Arabian horses. Fourth, the very thick tail set, also a sign of authenticity and quality. Fifth, the deep girth and round barrel. There are also things I like less: the short ears (an Arabian mare’s ears must be long); the straight hocks; the small-ish croup and short-ish hip that is typical of the *Muhaira descendants. Nothing that Jamr can’t fix, however, if she were to take. Photo by Monica Respet.

Jamr Al Arab — December 2023

I went up to Pennsylvania with Jenny Krieg to see the horses this past Sunday. Monica Respet and Linda Uhrich met us there. We spent a nice afternoon catching up. All the horses looked great. Jamr in particular looked drop dead gorgeous, muddy winter coat and all. He was let loose in the upper riding paddock and put on a big show. May he and others like him live long and have many foals. I keep saying that — that such horses still exist in the current circumstances is a miracle. Some fifty years ago, speaking of the last asil horses of France, Robert Mauvy was already writing: de bons et beaux chevaux, sans mievrerie romantique — “good and handsome horses, without romantic soppiness”, i.e., nonsense].

On Rhoufi’s distant Lebanese roots

This is another video of Rhoufi, the 20 year old stallion I imported to France this past August. I got him from Skander Karoui of Tunisia. Skander, the rider in the video, had found him and bought him from an Italian man, who had obtained him from an equestrian club near Tunis. The horse had gone from one club to the other since the age of three. Rhoufi was one of the last horses bred by Gisela Bergmann. She and her husband were old-time breeders of asil Tunisian lines of the stout, sturdy, endurance type. Their stud in Ghardimaou, on the Tunisian desert border with Algeria, was a destination for European purist breeders looking for the real Arabian horse, a bit like Helga Tahawi’s farm in the Egyptian delta. I will eventually dedicate a separate article to Tunisian asil horses in general and the horses of the Bergmanns in particular. For now, I just want to talk about the reason that led me to acquire him. It has mostly to do with my home country of Lebanon. Rhoufi’s strain is Kuhaylan ‘Ajuz, one of the original Arabian horse strains, and my personal favorite. Rhoufi traces in the dam line to…

Rhoufi, my 2003 Kuhaylan ‘Ajuz stallion in France

الفحل كحيلان العجوز الازرق من خيلي الاسم الغوفي العمر ٢٠ سنة المنشأ تونس يعود اصله الى كحيلة العجوز فرس خليل بك الاسعد من ال علي الصغير زعماء جبل عامل وقاعدتهم بلدة الطيبة في جنوب لبنان اليوم والمعروف عن ال علي الصغير انهم احفاد محمد ابن هزاع السالمي الوائلي احد اعيان عشيرة السوالمة من عنزة اتى من بادية نجد الى جبل عامل في عهد دولة المماليك وساد احفاده على جبل عامل وهناك صلة قرابة بين خليل بك الاسعد ال علي الصغير وبين أعيان قبيلة عنزة عامة والسوالمة والرولا خاصة اصحاب اهم مرابط كحائل العجوز مثل كحيلة الروضان وكحيلة عبهول وكحيلة المعبهل والكحيلة التامرية وغيرها

Conversation with Ibrahim al-Dawwas al-Sa’adi of Shammar (2006)

حديث ابراهيم الدواس السعدي من ال سعدي عوارف شمر أجراه إدوار الدحداح وحازم الوعر عام 2006 :عن كحيلة الشريف هم اصحاب رسن كحيلة الشريف جابوا الرسن معهم من نجد من أكثر من 150 سنة الحين عندهم فرسين واحدة بنت صقلاوي السبيه والثانية أمها بنت صقلاوي أحمد الدهام الاثنين عشار من صقر سوريا حصان حمداني كحيلة الشريف هي نفسها كحيلة العاجوز سمعنا عن أجدادنا أن العاجوز يعني الاختيار وأن الشريف هو العاجوز وخيلنا اسمها كحيلات العاجوز الشريف من دور أهلنا و بعدين أسقطت كلمة الشريف وبقي اسمها كحيلات العاجوز :عن منيس السعدي منيس ودواس إخوان منيس كان يحب الخيل وكان عنده دهمه وحمدانية وكروش من زمان :عن ابو كتف حصان منيس السعدي ابو كتف أحمر محجل له صرة أي سيالة صغيرة ذيله طويلة كانوا يشبونه عندما ابراهيم الدواس كان عمره عشر سنين :عن الحصان الصقلاوي حصان عباد الدادان عباد الدادان من عبيد دهام الهادي حصانه الصقلاوي يكون ابو حصان ابراهيم الدواس السعدي كحيلان الشريف ابو فرس مدحي السحيان العبية الام كانوا مربعين قرب عباد الدادان فشبوا كحيلة الشريف من حصانه الشبوة تمت عام 1972 جابت حصان أدهم عاش ستة سنين شبا مدحي العبية منه عام 1975-1976 الدادان الآن في تل عنتر عن ُحميد بن مَدحي السحيان يسكن قرية خويتلة من خرصة…

The end of the concept of “fit for breeding”

An interesting trend common to both Syrian and Bahraini Arabian horses is the disappearing of the old Bedouin concept of “Shubuw” or “Yishabby”. The concept means “fit for breeding” or “good for breeding”. Before the 1980s in Bahrain, and the 2000s in Syria, there was a distinction between the strains that were considered “fit for breeding” and the strains that were not. Within Syria, there was no broad agreement on which strains were “fit for breeding” and which were not, as each region, each tribe, even each group of people had their own opinion on the issue, but the concept did exist and was part of the conversation about Arabian horses. I recall that back in the 1990s a Syrian breeder could be chided for breeding his mares to a Sa’dan, a Rishan, a Rabdan or a Da’jani stallion. Today the distinction has become moot, and all strains are being bred from in both countries — for now.

List of horses sent by the Shammar to the Ottoman Sultan, 1891

The Facebook page for the publishing house, al-Dar al-Sultaniyah lil-Dirassat wal-Watha’iq al-‘Uthmaniyah publishes documents in the Arabic language from the Ottoman imperial archives in Istanbul. The publisher’s knowledge of Arabic and his apparent lack of familiarity with Ottoman Turkish, the official language of the Ottoman Empire, means that all the documents on the page are letters to Ottoman high-ranking officials from their Arabic-speaking subjects, usually urban notables, provincial leaders, or Bedouin tribal chiefs. They generally relay grievances, concerns, requests to officials in Istanbul. Occasionally, one finds documents about Arabian horses. The document below is one of these: The Facebook post mentioned that this was a list of horses sent by the Shammar to the Ottoman Sultan or his Grand Vizir in 1891. The document’s beginning and end appear to have been cropped by the publisher. This is my translation of the published excerpt: The blonde/chestnut Kuhaylah; also, the red/bay Kuhaylah, three legs white except the left foreleg, with a blaze (sayyalah); also they yellow and she is the Tuwayssah; also, the Kuhaylah Umm ‘Arqub, light grey; also the yellow/grey Kuhaylat ‘Aafess; also the red Kuhaylah, both hindlegs white, with a blaze; also the black Kuhaylah, right hindleg white, with a…

Hujjah from 1934 of desert-bred mare imported to the UK

The British Arab Horse Society (AHS) celebrated its centennary in 2018. For this occasion, it curated an exhibition in Newmarket, England, where it showcased three hujaj of desert-bred mares imported to the UK, among other original documents. Kina Murray, who was then WAHO Secretary, had asked me to translate these for AHS. Below is the translation of the first hujjah. “Testimonial paper We, the undersigned from the tribe of al-Ghurayr, testify by God concerning the bay mare, a stripe in her forehead, named Nuha Khanum, the daughter of Salma, her origin is Kuhaylat Aba Snun al-Nawwakah, her sire is the Saqlawi of Ibn Mahmud, she belongs to Hazza’ al-Rashed of the tribe of al-Ghurayr; for this [reason] we composed this testimonial paper concerning the origin of the mare; God is a witness to and a trustee of what we say. About the sire of her dam he is the Hamdani, and the sire of her maternal grand-dam is the ‘Ubayyan al-Suhayli. Ubayd al-Jammagh One of the heads of the tribe of al-Ghurayr ‘Abdallah al-Rumman The head of the tribe of al-Masalihah Ibrahim al-Muhammad One of the heads of the tribe of Qartan Aswad al-Salbuh [uncertain reading] One of the heads…

Hujjah of Krush mare and Saqlawi stallion in the words of King Abd al-‘Aziz Aal Saud from 1927

An image of this document appears on page 79 of Peter Upton’s The Arab Horse (The Crowood Press, 1989). It is inconspicuously labeled as “Fig. 132. Facsimile of an Arab letter to Sir Gilbert Clayton“. Here is my translation, based off the image above, with my comments between the brackets: In the name of God, the Merciful the Compassionate [printed letterhead] The Hijazi and Najdi Kingdom and its dependencies [printed letterhead]The Diwan of His Majesty the King [printed letterhead] Number 87320 Dhul Qi’dah Year 1345 [printed year, date equivalent to Saturday May 21, 1927] From Abd al-‘Aziz son of ‘Abd al-Rahman of the House of Faysal [i.e., Faysal ibn Turki] to his Excellency the Sir Clayton:After greetings and compliments, we present Your Excellency with the horses, a male horse and a mare. As to the male horse, he is the Saqlawi of the most authentic [asaayil, plural of asil] horses of Najd; his sire is an ‘Ubayyan; the mare is Krush; her sire is a Kuhaylan.However, quite regrettably I saw today that their looks were not nice looks; the reason for this is the length of the journey, because they’ve been in the wilderness [al-barriyah, literally, “the bush”] for a…

Breeding certificate of the Saud royal mare *Halwaaji to a Saud royal stallion

In the same vein as other articles on the original documentation on desert Arabians imported to the US from Saudi Arabia, this is my translation from Arabic of a hujjah about the breeding of the mare *Halwaaji of the Saud Royal Stud to the stallion Mas’ud: In the name of God the Most Merciful and Compassionate Riyadh Province of Najd Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 11 Jumadah al-Aakhar 1380 I, Mutlaq al-‘Atawi, the head of the royal horse stables of his Highness King Saud ibn ‘Abd al-‘Aziz, declare that the following testimony is correct: On the 11th of Rabi’ al-Thani 1378, the ownership of the red Hamdaniyah mare “Halwaaji” was transferred to Sam Roach; and it was well-known that this mare was in foal to the grey Hamdani horse “Mas’ud” at the time of the transfer of her ownership; the horse “Mas’ud” bred the mare “Halwaaji” on the date of the 14th of Dhul Hujjah 1377; he bred her another time on the date of the 16th of Dhul Hujjah 1377. And I certify in front of God Most High that the mare “Halwaaji” and the horse “Mas’ud” are both from pure blood and a noble origin, tracing to horses whose…

On the hujjah of the desert-bred stallion Walid El Seglawi

Hujaj (plural of hujjah), the Arabic authentication certificates, come in all shapes and forms. Some consist of a few handwritten words scribbled by the breeder or owner on a piece of paper. Some are more elaborate, the work of government officials, with dates, stamps, letterahead, and formal language. Some are the words of barely literate men, some are high literature. Look at this hujjah for the 1945 grey stallion Walid El Seglawi (his photos below), the sire of the mare Jamalah El Jedrani imported to the USA by ARAMCO expatriate Fran Richards. This is my translation of it: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Testimony on the origin of a horseLet it be known that my mare, the Saqlawiyah, was bred to my horse the Saqlawi, and that this horse was born in August 1945 [implied: as a result of the mating]. My mare and my horse are from a deep-rooted origin in the steppe [badiyah] with the tribe of Bani Khalid; and this horse, named Walid, was sold to Mr. Nick Lederle of al-Dhahran. Hasan son of Mansur the Saihati The document is straightforward, but there is more than meets the eye. A few observations on both text and context: First,…

A passage from the Arabic Abbas Pasha Manuscript

I have been reading a passage in the Arabic original version of the Abbas Pasha Manuscript on the testimony of an elderly man of the Ruwalah Bedouins about a certain Kuhaylah mare. Here is my translation into English: “Some say that she is Kuhaylah, and other people say that she is ‘Ubayyah, and we don’t know which stud [marbat] she is from, and it slipped our mind; after some years of breeding the mare, she produced a bay filly, which turned into a beautiful [zaynah], nadhir, and speedy [sabuq] mare… these are the stories we know about her, other than this we don’t know“. [He] was asked about the sire of the mare; [he] reported: “It has slipped our mind, O ‘Ali; however, at that time, they [i.e., the Ruwalah] mated the Saqlawi Jadran and Kuhaylan Tamri of the horses of Ibn ‘Abhul; these were the dearest of the stallions we used to mate; but we don’t know who her sire is, and we haven’t pinned down which horses her sire is from“; [he] was asked about the mare’s dam: did she happen to beget anything else [other than the bay filly] or not? [He] reported: “By God, O ‘Ali,…

Reading into the Meshura hujjah — on the “uprising of Aleppo” in October 1850

The authentication document — in Arabic, hujjah — of the Blunt desert-bred import Meshura is not done yielding more information. One year after having published its translation and commentary into English in the book The Arabian Horses of Abbas Pasha, I keep learning new things about it. As background, Meshura great-grand-dam, “The Mare of Daghir”, a Saqlawiyah Ubayriyah of the Marighi strain, was imported to Egypt by Abbas Pasha. The episode of the sale of this mare is narrated in the hujjah, as follows: “This mare was bought by Abbas Pacha from the house of Dirri and the sale transaction took place in the house of Jad’aan in the presence of Mujayhim ibn Dari and her price was 4000 ghazis [two illegible words] Muhammad Ali Sharif with Ali Bek and he was our guest in [three illegible words, including one place name] before the uprising of Aleppo ([illegible word] (the verification of the date of the year needs to be done)“; I was unable to unlock the meaning of that “uprising of Aleppo” (in the Arabic text of the hujjah qawmat Halab), nor to date it precisely — until now. While browsing a selection of Ottoman archives online, I came across…

Shueyman Fahad, 12 year old Shuwayman stallion in France

Arnault Decroix posted this gorgeous photo of his stallion Shueyman Fahad on social media today. The horse was bred by Jean-Claude Rajot from his Shuwayman Sabbah line, tracing to the beautiful Hamada of Robert Mauvy, and before that to the desert-bred Cherifa of the Sba’ah Bedouins. His sire Mahboob Halab and paternal grandsire Mokhtar, were both born in the desert, of Shammar lineage. So happy and proud to see that old type of horse alive in the West in 2023. My kind of horse. The real deal. Not a sea horse, not a china doll, not a gimmick, not “living art”, not “extreme”.

A pair of horses gifted by Abdullah I of Jordan to Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret, 1946

The photo below comes from the Imperial War Museum’s Ministry of Information Second World War Collection. The description from the Imperial War Museum’s page reads as follows: CONTINGENT ARRIVES IN ENGLAND FOR VICTORY PARADE, LIVERPOOL, LANCASHIRE, ENGLAND, UK, 1946 (D 27677) Sergeant Major Mahmoud Zahaire of the Trans Jordan Frontier Forces tends to the two horses he was tasked with bringing to England on the deck of the ORBITA. The horses are a gift from the Palace of Prince Amir Abdullah for the Princesses Margaret and Elizabeth. A colleague from the Trans Jordan Frontier Forces helps to feed the horses. Copyright: © IWM. Original Source: http://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/205202314

Video screenshot of AAS Nelyo

I like this fuzzy video screenshot of Nelyo, the 2015 dark bay Ubayyan stallion I got from Edie Booth a couple of years ago. It shows his “style” when moving and his flowing lines, including the arch of the tail “comme un jet d’eau” as the French would say. The lines are such that one wants to grab a pencil and make a sketch. That deep black-bay color is called asda‘ in Arabic (from sada‘ = rust). He is part of this plan of mine to inject “newer” (ie, 1940s and early 1950s, so mainly the ARAMCO horses) desert blood into my mares from older (ie, 1880s-1900s) American lines, and see where that takes me. The asil Arabian horse is one. Compare with that even fuzzier photo of Nelyo’s ancestor Jalam Al Ubayyan, another Ubayyan stallion direct from Ibn Jalawi. Jalam’s photo is from Edie’s collection, I think.

On the strain of Bint El Bahreyn in Lady Anne’s Journals

The circumstances of the acquisition by Lady Anne Blunt of the Bahraini mare Bint El Bahreyn, an existing line in Egyptian Arabian horses, are well documented in her Journals and Correspondence, which Rosemary Archer and James Fleming published in 1986. The published Journals, however extensive, are only a curated subset of Lady Anne’s original handwritten journals at the British Library. They do not represent a full record of what Lady Anne recorded about Bint El Bahreyn in her journals, including a controversy about the mare’s actual strain. Read on. Sometime in late 2021, as Judith Forbis and I were working on the publication of the book “The Arabian Horses of Abbas Pasha“, she shared with me typewritten excepts that she had transcribed from Lady Anne’s manuscript journals at the British Library visit in 1974 — so before Archer’s and Fleming’s publication. What follows below is a compilation of the journal entries about the purchase of Bint El Bahreyn, from the published journals and as well as in Judi’s typewritten notes. [From the published J&C] December 4, 1907: “He [Prince Mohammed Ali] says [his brother] the Khedive is also selling the two mares, Dahmeh Shahwanieh’s from I. Khalifeh, so I said…

The Five [Khams] in the Abbas Pasha Manuscript

The Abbas Pasha Manuscript was completed in 1853 and is a compilation of accounts dating ca. 1850. Its Kuhaylan section has three short but interesting accounts about the “Five, the Mares of the [Prophet’s] Companions [al-Sahabah]. Account of ‘Arar Ibn Hunaydi, an elderly man, in a Ruwalah majliss of more than thirty people: “one Ma’naqiyah Hudrujiyah, one Jilfah Istanbalutiyah, one Saqlawiyah, and two that slipped my mind“ Account of ‘Ali ibn Daham, aged around seventy or eighty years or more, and Hamdan ibn Sani’, aged around seventy years or more, in a Bani Sakhr majliss of around fourty people: “one Ma’naqiyah Hudrujiyah, one Jilfah Istanbalutiyah, one Mukhalladiyah, one Kubayshah [uncertain reading], and one Saqlawiyah” Account of Tariq Ibn Dalmaz, owner of al-Saqlawiyah, of the Arabs of al-Sardiyah: “one Ma’naqiyah Hudrujiyah, one Jilfah Istanbalutiyah, one Saqlawiyah, one Mukhalladiyah, and one that’s not on my mind” A few quick observations on these accounts: 1/ Nowhere are the Five referred to as being the Five mares of the Prophet Muhammad [khams al-Rasul]; rather, they are referred to as the Five of his Companions [khams al-Sahabah]; it’s an important difference. In this regard, the Mukhalladiyah, which is listed in two of the three accounts,…

How the Saqlawi strain got its name

In my earlier dives into the Abbas Pasha Manuscript, I had somehow missed this statement on the origin of the Saqlawi Jadran strain: Talal Ibn Ramal [a Shammar Bedouin notable from Najd] was asked: from whom did the Jadraniyah originally reach Ibn Jadran? The aforementioned stated before the gathering that these were ancient utterances [qaalaat mubtiyah, meaning that recollections about them were faint]; but that they had heard from their first forefathers that the Jadraniyah was originally a Kuhaylat ‘Ajuz from amongst the Five [al-Khams]; that at the time of the [Prophet’s] Companions, the Kuhaylah had kicked [saqalat] another mare and injured her, and was named Saqlawi after that [incident]; that Saqlawi was a name [ie, for that Kuhaylah]; that she had originally passed to Ibn Jadran from one of two tribes, either from al-Dhafir or from al-‘Issa; that was what they had heard from the ancient ones. It is especially hard to disentangle foundational myths and legends from historical fact. In oral cultures, it’s almost impossible. That the source of the account acknowledged upfront “that these were ancient utterances” should be in this case be taken as a disclaimer of sorts, or at least a healthy dose of distancing;…

Ruwalah Bedouins on the effect of linebreeding

Today I took — yet another — deep dive into the Saqlawi Marighi section in the Arabic version of the Abbas Pasha Manuscript as published by the KAPL from the original of Gulsun Sherif. What I like the most in the book are the snippets where Bedouins share their views on breeding and conformation. These are usually buried within accounts of how horses passed from person or tribe to another. As such there are not gathered in one place. For example, here’s what al-Hudayri, a Bedouin from the Frijah clan of the Ruwalah, and otherwise a key source on the histories of the Saqlawi Jadran, Saqlawi Ubayri and Saqlawi Marighi strains, had to say about the impact of inbreeding Saqlawi Marighi mares to Saqlawi Marighi stallions on the size of their progeny: Whether the body of the mares is large or small has to do with the stallions, because the mares were not “struck by” (i.e., bred to) other stallions, only [to ones] from within and among them, the strain to itself, so they became the medium-sized mares that you are seeing now; and it is common knowledge that the shape [of the mares] is from the stallions; so when…

Basilisk and Rabanna as Saqlawi Marighi

In my book The Arabian Horses of Abbas Pasha: New Discoveries: The 1860 Abbas Pasha Sale List and Other Original Documents (Ansata Publications, 2022), with Kate McLachlan and Moira Walker, I showed how the strain of the Blunt mare Basilisk and hence that of her female descendants, including the Pritzlaff mare Rabanna and her own descendants, is actually Saqlawi Marighi. I made this discovery using two surviving original Arabic sources: the Abbas Pasha Manuscript, and the hujjah (Arabic certificate) of the Blunt mare Meshura, a close relative of Basilisk’s in the female line. The Abbas Pasha Manuscript was translated into English by Gulsun Sherif and beautifully published by Judith Forbis (Ansata Publications, 1993). The Arabic manuscript was then acquired by officials of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and published in Arabic under its original title Usul al-Khayl al-‘Arabiyah. An image copy of the hujjah of the Blunts’ mare Meshura was originally published in the book of her daughter Lady Wentworth, The Authentic Arabian Horse (1945). I published an English translation of it for the first time on this blog in May 2008 (link here), before publishing a slightly revised translation in my book in 2022. In summary, both primary sources…

King Ibn Saud on the people of Najd ca. 1928

From Rehan Ud Din Baber’s page, quoting King Abdul Aziz ibn Saud in the book ‘Ibn Sa?oud of Arabia, his people and his land’ by Ameen Rihani: “The Arabs of the North,’ he said, ‘ are heavy of foot and stolid; the people of Najd are quick, light, wiry. They snap and break not. Like our camels. The zelul of the North is strong but slow; that of the south is fast, although he has not so much enduring power. But the people of Najd are like the Bedu in hardship and adversity. We train ourselves in endurance. We put up with much that is hard and onerous. It is our land, our habit of life, our destiny —all one. We have to be always ready and fit. I train my own children to walk barefoot, to rise two hours before the dawn, to eat but little, to ride horses bareback, —sometimes we have not a moment to saddle a horse—leap to his back and go! This is the Najdi —the Najd spirit—the Najd condition of life. Especially the Najdis of the South — we are like our Bedu in this. ‘The people of Al-Qasim are traders and are not,…

Introducing guest blogger Silvia Bacci

I am happy to introduce Silvia Bacci as a guest blogger from Argentina on Daughters of the Wind ab horse in the way it came to us, when they were taken away from their cradle land. From Silvia: I have loved horses since I was born. And that love hasn’t diminished with age but on the contrary grew to encompass all and everything horse related. Was riding horses in the open fields by myself at 3 years old and riding in the sierras fresh-off-the track TB at 8 and enjoying them like the horse crazy kid that I was – and in part still am. My professional career took me away from the horses that I loved but the first thing I did when I stopped traveling and finally settled in one place was to buy a horse. My first Arabian horse. I have loved and admired Arabian horses and their history and relationship with their people all my life. Since discovering the Arab horses I have been a student of them – and I guess I can say, I will keep studying, learning and loving them until the end of times. With the study and learning of the Arabian…

Queen Shamsi of the Arabs wall panel from Nimrud, Iraq

In the British Museum lies this wall panel relief believed to represent queen Shamsi of the Arabs following her defeat at the hands of Tiglath-Pileser III’s Assyrian armies in 732 BCE. The four camels and the vase she holds in her hand are a representation of the tribute her Arab tribes had to pay to their victor. The relief dates from 728 BCE and was set at the central palace of Nimrud in today’s Northern Iraq, where British orientalist Sir Austen Henry Layard excavated it and moved it to London in 1848.

More Shams

Shams Al Arab (Cascade DE x SS Lady Guenevere) is built like a tank. Jeanne Craver and I were discussing whether her muscular hindquarter was more like that of a Doyle horse or whether it was more characteristic of the Drissula horses. She think it’s the latter and that her old mare Soiree (Sir x Sirrulya by Julyan) was like that. Julyan certainly produced horses built like that. Photos by DeWayne Brown this time, at the Doyle ranch. Click to enlarge them.

Shams at two months

Shams is Shaman’s maternal sister, out of DeWayne’s mare SS Lady Guenevere and by Cascade DE, a young Doyle stallion born in 2018. She is very strongly put together — look at that rear end! — but her neck could be a tad too short. Then again, her back is very short too, as DeWayne was quick to point out to me. Lyman Doyle, who took the nice pictures a couple days, ago thinks that she will turn a deep liver chestnut like her dam. It’s one of my favorite colors in Arabians. If Shams lives and matures into a broodmare I should like to breed her to a Davenport stallion with a long neck, e.g., Anecdote CF, to try and recreate the pedigree of Jeanne Craver’s mare Soiree, a distant relative from the same line. I may breed her to her brother Shaman as well.

Shaman at three years old

Looking good with a lot of maturing left to do. I am confident however that he will continue to fill up and will live up to his promise. He has substance and style and oozes masculinity. He moves well too. He is more old Blunt than the Crabbets themselves. I want to see him in his prime, at 8-10 years old. I also love his pedigree, not just the Ma’naqi Sbayli tail female, but also all the Greggans, Parnells, Subanis, and Julyans close up. The existence in 2023 of horses like him is such a miracle, in the world of [insert the name of your favorite Italian designer here, reincarnated as a show horse] Photos by Lyman Doyle two days ago.

A very nice colt from the Bint Kareema line in Belgium

This colt which Belgian breeder Patrick Vermuyten recently bought really caught my eye. He is from the Bint Kareema line, hence an Ubayyan by strain. Bint Kareema‘s (Rasheed BLNT x Kareema) is in my view one of the Arabian breed’s most underrated lines. Despite its very small numbers (mostly in Europe), it has consistently produced first class, well conformed, stlylish horses over the past fourty to fifty years mostly in Europe (e.g., Kauber Platte’s Hakeel Ibn Kaisoon). Unlike other damlines that become “worn out” over the generations — my friend Jean-Claude Rajot refers to these as “fin de lignée” — this line seems to be only getting better with time, if this colt is any indication. As an aside, Bint Kareema is one of the very few Straight Egyptian lines not yet accepted by Al Khamsa, due to missing information about the antecedents of the her dam Kareema, by a “Dahman” out of an “Obeya”. I have my own educated guess, which I wrote about some ten years ago. Today, an mtDNA comparison between this line and an Ubayyan Sharrak tail female line from the Tahawi,e extinct in asil form, but still represented in the general equine population, should help…

She did not pull through

Little Wujra, Wadha’s new filly by the Bahraini stallion Shuwaiman Al Rais, was put down yesterday at the veterinary hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. She only lived three weeks, two of which at the hospital. She was born dysmature (with a “dummy foal syndrome”) and was afflicted with soft tendons. At first she was unable to rise to nurse, then she was unable to walk with ease. Things got better after two weeks, so she left the hospital with socks on her toes and wrappings around the front legs. Her prognosis was very good so I felt that the effort was worthwhile. Her left hock got infected at the farm and the infection quickly spread. She was rushed back to the vet hospital, but her low immunity got the better of her. I thought she would pull through. This is Wadha’s third failed attempt to put a live foal on the ground. In 2021, she slipped a foal by Monologue CF when seven months pregnant. In 2022, the foal, a colt also by Monologue, was too large and died half way out of the womb. Wadha suffered injuries in her vulva and almost died. This year at least she…

Kinza bred to Bashir today for a 2024 foal

This morning Lyman Doyle bred Kinza to Jenny Krieg’s magnificent Bashir Al-Dirri for a 2024 foal. They are from two different branches of the Basilisk female line: Bashir traces to the Peraga branch (*Mirage x Slipper), of which he is the last asil representative, while Kinza traces to the better represented Rabanna (Rasik x Banna) branch. Both stallion and mare blend Crabbet (i.e., Doyle), Babson (i.e., old Egyptian) and Pritzlaff (i.e., new Egyptian lines) seamlessly, so they should be a good match. Of course, Basilisk is from Ibn Dirri’s branch of the Saqlawi Marighi strain, as I have shown in the new book “The Arabian Horses of Abbas Pasha”. Below, a recent natural shot of Bashir, from Lyman. He truly is a magnificent horse.

Wujra Al Arab

On July 27 — my birthday — Wadha foaled a chestnut filly, sired through artificial insemination by the Bahraini stallion of Jenny Lees, Shuwaiman Al Rais (photo below). Further news about this loooong-awaited filly will be shared once she is out of the woods (i.e., the U Penn vet hospital in New Bolton, PA), so no photos just yet. In keeping with the W line back to her granddam Wisteria CF and her great-granddam HB Wadduda, I named her Wujra — which in Arabic means “the one fed or medicated by mouth”. She will pull through.

Shams Al Arab, Ma’naqiyah Sbayliyah filly

The little Ma’naqiyah filly seems to be doing well at the Doyle Ranch in Oregon. I named her Shams — the Arabic word for the sun. Because she is a welcome ray of sunshine after a string of colts — three very nice ones but still not helping with keeping this precious strain going. Second because it’s the name of my maternal grandfather’s last wife. Well, her name was Shamsi, a derivative of Shams. According to an Assyrian clay tablet from 715 BC, Shamsi was the name of an ancient queen of “the distant Arabs, dwellers of the desert, who did not know learned men or scribes, who had not brought tribute to any king”. That same table is the first to mention horses as tributes from the Arab Bedouins to the Assyrian king. It’s a very very old name, and a nice name. Hopefully that filly will grow into a nice mare. Photos by DeWayne Brown, the dam’s lucky owner.

Finally a Ma’naqiyah filly

After four years of trying, SS Lady Guenevere (“Guen”) gratified me with a filly yesterday, born at the Doyles’ ranch in Oregon. The filly’s sire is Cascade DE, a young Doyle stallion. I have been leasing Guen and her daughter Pippa by Chatham DE from DeWayne Brown in the hope for a filly. She is the first filly following three colts from both mares: Shaykh Al Arab (Tamaam DE x Pippa), Shaman Al Arab (Tamaam DE x Guen) and Sharif Al Arab (Bashir Al Dirri x Pippa). I hope she goes on to produce many fillies from that precious (to me) Ma’naqi Sbayli strain.

New-to-me photo of stallion Basil, Kuhaylan al-Mimrah from Syria

This new-to-me photo of the Syrian Kuhaylan Mimrah stallion Basil (Mahrous x Halah), of the breeding of the late Mustapha al-Jabri was taken at the Damascus Government Stud . It recently appeared on one of the many Facebook pages now focusing on Syrian Arabians, one hosted by “Alhorane”. I remember being struck by this horse the first time I saw him in 1990. He oozed Arabness.

Jabinta, 1969 Saqlawiyat al-Abd

Going through some photos on my smartphone, which has an admittedly nice sample of the horses I like. This is the outstanding Jabinta (Jadib x Bint Malakah by Subani), a 1969 Saqlawiyat al-‘Abd (*Wadduda line) and the maternal granddam of my Jamr Al Arab. As my father would say in Lebanese Arabic, ya haik khail ya bala, which means: “either horses like this or none at all”.

“New” photo of early Crabbet mare Bozra

Kate found this “new” photo of the early Crabbet mare Bozra, by Pharaoh out of Basilisk. Both sire and dam were desert-bred, and both of the strain of Saqlawi ibn Dirri — a branch of the Saqlawi Marighi, itself a branch of the Saqlawi Ubayri (not Jadran). This mare would not be out of place in North-Eastern Syria today. The picture comes from Volume 1 of The Standard Cyclopedia of Modern Agriculture and Rural Economy, edited by R. Patrick Wright, and published in 1909, says Kate.